
Hamlet: By the Lake

Created by Mighty Boards

Take your village building lakeside with this new expansion to David Chircop's Hamlet: The Village Building Game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Menu Board Unlocked!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 04:19:31 AM

Lovely Villagers,

1 week in and more than 5000 of you decided to join us by the lake! We're so grateful for every single one of you helping us grow our little Hamlet :)

It's time for a new surprise..

Surprise 2: Menu Board

Our next surprise is the 3D Menu Board! This board allows you to place the meal cards up on display visible to everyone on the side of the table. It's reminiscent of what you would find in little restaurants by the lake. It's really beautifully illustrated (Max outdid himself again with this one) and it's a really nice touch and addition to the expansion!

This new 3D Board is made out of thick cardboard and requires no stickers or glue to assemble. It is also designed in such a way that it fits, assembled, inside the original hamlet box, it lays face down above the area where you would usually store the tile bag. We're very happy with it!

This board is Kickstarter Exclusive and will only be included in the Deluxe editions of Hamlet: By the Lake. Check it out!

The beautiful new Menu Board

Stay hungry for more... there's more to come!

First winner for a free pledge

The first 4 stars in our Social Challenges have been unlocked! That means one lucky backer gets their pledge for free! BGG user choc oladevla - check your inbox ;)

There's 3 more chances to win your pledge for free! Unlock more stars by sharing the Kickstarter page with your friends (and use #hamletbythelake), post your best Hamlet picture or name our lake fish!

Thank you for all your support! 

The Mighty Boards Team

Hamlet Surprise Unlocked!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 05:13:02 AM

More than 4100 backers in 48 hours?! You are all amazing! THANK YOU!

We know we said no stretch goals during this campaign, but that doesn't mean we don't have a couple surprises for you!

Surprise 1: Villager Houses

Surprise number one has probably been teased a bit if you have read the rules or seen the videos. We think it's a really nice new addition to the by the lake Kickstarter that can be used alone or with the rest of the expansion components. 

Villager Houses

These are "Villager Houses". We noticed that many of you were implementing house rules to remove Villagers from the board at the end of your turn. But we found that this usually caused us to mess up how many Villagers we have hired, as they get mixed up with the rest of the components. So we came up with a cool way of executing this. Since in By The Lake, there is also fishes and boats on the board, this does become very useful for increasing clarity. 

Whenever you hire a Villager, you put them to sleep in their bed in your Villager House, and at the end of your turn, you take your Villagers off the board and put them to sleep in their own little bed. At the beginning of your turn, stand them all up and start sending them out into the village. Rinse and repeat. 

Also, the houses are really cute, check them out!

These Villager Houses are included with every copy of Hamlet: By the Lake!

These Villager Houses are included with every copy of Hamlet: By the Lake! 

Stay tuned as we have more surprises coming! (Rumour has it something new will be announced on the 18th next...)

Rulebook, Tabletopia and TTS 

We will be demoing Hamlet: By the Lake at Gen Con soon, but if you can’t wait that long to see the game in action, the expansion is now also available on Tabletopia and Tabletop Simulator for everyone to play!

Also a heads up that the rulebook for Hamlet: By the Lake is available to look at online and we are taking feedback in the form of comments on the google doc! Give it a read and feel free to ask! You can find it here.

Social Challenges

The first stars in our Social Challenges have been unlocked! 2 more and we will announce the first lucky Villager who wins their pledge for free! And did you already name our lake fish?

Thank you for all your support!

The Mighty Boards Team

We are funded! Come hang by the lake :)
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 06:31:11 AM

Hello you lovely Villagers!

That went so fast! Hamlet: By the Lake was already funded in 15 minutes! THANK YOU ALL!

As you might have spotted on the page, we're offering quite a few exciting things to Returning and New backers!

Returning Backers will be able to complete their Founder's Deluxe collection and get a FREE Returning Backer Upgrade Kit that contains a new and improved wooden Church, a new base game tile set with updated graphic design and a new set of resources. Designer David Chircop wrote a whole Designer Diary about it!

New Backers will be able to grab the Hamlet All-in bundle at a discounted price, which includes a copy of Hamlet: By the Lake (Founder's Deluxe) and the Hamlet Deluxe Edition which comes with upgraded components and gorgeous Kickstarter Exclusives!

Livestream with Paul Grogan

If you're curious about how the expansion plays, you can join the livestream today with Paul Grogan from Gaming Rules! He will go live in 30 minutes. Rumour has it designer David will be present in the chat too if you'd like to ask him some questions...

No Stretch Goals?

This campaign comes with pre-unlocked Stretch Goals! Hamlet: By the Lake has already been upgraded to match the quality of all component upgrades we reached in last year's campaign. However, we do have some surprises for you during this campaign, so stay tuned!

Win your pledge for free

We're launching a few more social challenges for you to have a chance to win your pledge back! Want to win? Join the social challenges! You can win by sharing the Kickstarter page, liking the Hamlet: By the Lake BGG page, naming the lake fish or posting your best Hamlet "by the lake" photo! Good luck :)

Tell your friends!

If you like what you see, please tell your friends! And if you like that box art as much as we do, give it a thumbs up on BGG will you? :)

Let's grow that Mighty Hamlet!

Your Mighty Boards team